The story of an arty elevator

In this workshop I researched ways to transform the elevators in an elderly carehome from in between zone to a inspirational place full of memories, local references and personal stories. This is the story of an arty elevator, made together with the drawing group of Simeon & Anna.

The week before in the drawing class we made descriptions with the works they selected. In the workshop people go from describing a drawing completely philosophical to ‘Yes, I love blue.’ Friday morning, 10:15 AM we opened the elevator. It was the best moment ever because of the setting. Balloons and tompouce. All the people from the drawingclass and a few other friends in wheelchairs and chairs around the elevator. It actually went from an in between zone into a place. Their work just became real and people got to see it. People taking photo’s with their drawings, all proud. While I was doing my complete improvised opening speech Anne (96 years old) kept on talking about her coffee, that it was getting cold and it was a waste to get a new cup. It was great.


Self initiated

In collaboration with
Júlia Carvalho de Aguiar, Anke Oudshoorn

Thanks to
Rob Koelewijn, Julian Semeleer, Jannie Hoogstadt-Mus, Arnold Nieuwendam, Roos Luycx, Cor van Loon, Mevrouw Blanken, Anne Dijkstra

Knowing the thoughts of the residents with their works are sometimes are a perfect portrait of their personality, we tried to describe what the works mean to the group. In the workshop people go from describing a drawing completely philosophical to ‘Yes, I love blue.’